Meat Salad, careful tossing.
Meat: don't be a pussy
What is protein? Some basics (really, really simplified)
-A series of amino acids that are the building blocks for enzymes, DNA, hormones and muscle.
Sources of complete proteins: Meats, milk, eggs, fish and nuts all provide the necessary essential amino acids.
Please note: the best foundation of any diet is a solid one, meaning real solid food. Liquid diets are for beauty queens and drag queens.
So meat is an awesome source of amino acids to build muscle mass, but when meat isn't readily available, or you've eaten so much the site of edible mammals makes you queasy, there are other options.
What are the benefits of supplementing protein?
If you're lifting rather than being a lazy fattie, increasing your protein intake can
· Increase lean muscle mass
· Improve body composition (muscle to fat ratio)
· Increase strength
· Improve exercise recovery
What kind of protein should I take?
There are many different types of protein. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks.
Protein quality is measured by:
· Amount of essential amino acids
· Ease of break down into amino acids
· How much can be used by the body
Whey Protein Isolate
· Milk protein
· Considered the highest quality
oEasily digested
o Well Utilized by the body
oGreat amino acid profile
· Fast protein
oRapidly broken down and digested
· Ideal protein to take near a work-out (pre, during, or post)
· Most popular
oEasy to find
oDozens of flavors
· Milk derived protein
· Slow protein
oTakes longer to digest
oDelayed and continuous release of amino acids
oMay help prevent muscle from being broken down between meals
· Ideal for between meals or before bed
· Doesn’t have as much of certain essential amino acids as whey protein isolate
Egg Protein
· From egg whites
· High concentration of essential amino acids
· Easily digested and used by the body
· Contains almost no fat or carbohydrates
· Excellent alternative for lactose intolerant
· Great choice for pansies
How much protein should I take?
Enough. Honestly the range can be pretty insane depending on your weight and activity level, anywhere from .7 to 2 grams/lb
When should I take protein?
· Immediately before, during or after exercise
oFast protein
· Between meals
oSlow protein
· Before bed
oSlow protein
Will taking protein alone make me bigger and stronger?
NO, don't be a dumb ass. If you want something quick and easy, make like a tree and piss off.
· Excess calories can lead to fat gain (so if you add more protein, you need to take in less rubbish)
· Exercise or resistance training program must be implemented
· There must be very high day to day physical demands
But, studies have shown that just by increasing intake of essential amino acids, protein synthesis can increase.
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